Awareness Concept

Our Ideological Framework
& Harassment Prevention Policy

Please note: The English version is not a one-to-one translation of the German website, but an overview of the most important information. To go back to the main English page or to the German version, click here or use the upper menu.

What you can expect at lila_bunt

Getting to know us:

Everyone who comes to lila_bunt gets a brief introduction about who we are and how we expect people to interact with each other. This is based on our “Awareness Concept” (Awarenesskonzept) which we will explain below.

There is always some visible team member that you can talk to.

We will let you know who that person is during the introduction. Please talk to us if you have any questions or concerns!

In the event of an incident, our focus is on assisting the affected person.

If a boundary is crossed, we will prioritize assisting the affected person, rather than the individual causing the incident. The affected person decides how they wish to be supported.


You can leave your feedback anonymously in the box on-site, using our online feedback-form, or you can contact us by email, post, or phone after your stay.

What does “awareness” mean for us?

Awareness means being considerate to each other. Together, we ensure everyone at lila_bunt feels comfortable and safe. To make this happen we must respect our own boundaries and the boundaries of others. We expect people at lila_bunt to be willing to listen to each other, take each other seriously, be considerate, and ask questions instead of judging.

Each person has their own boundaries. It is important to respect the physical, verbal, and emotional boundaries of others. Some people may not express their boundaries clearly at first, so try to ask them openly instead of guessing.

We have created spaces and guidelines to encourage respectful behavior while you are on-site. Despite all precautions, there might still be times where boundaries are crossed, or discrimination happens. If you find yourself in that situation, know that there’s always at least one staff member from lila_bunt on site who can offer their support. We explain our rules to everyone when they arrive and give them a tour of the place. Identifying and addressing boundary violations as they occur is a key focus for us.

lila_bunt is a learning space where we can practice acknowledging a wide range of perspectives and boundaries while being respectful to each other. However, we do not want to learn at the expense of individual persons and their particular social positions. Instead, we are working to create the right conditions to learn together.

Binary gender systems, neocolonial-racist systems, and their patriarchal structures are still very effective in the world, and people are still forced to conform to gender roles or experience racist prejudices and violence. 

At lila_bunt, we make room for the diversity of gender identities and sexual orientations. This is a key part of our queer feminist stance. Queer means creating space for definitions and models of life beyond patriarchal, white normative, heteronormative, and binary frameworks. Because what unites us is the fight against patriarchy in all its intersectional facets.

Intersectional Work

Our work is a contribution to a good life for EVERYONE. To make this possible we need to advocate for intersectional struggles and to support people with intersectional life realities. The concept of intersectionality describes the intertwining and simultaneity of various forms of discrimination. Multiple discrimination is not simply the sum of all experiences but a distinct, specific experience.

This also means that we try to consider the circumstances and differences of people as well as their access to education and learning. We offer not only a place, but also our energies to create spaces for free thinking, where we can learn from and with each other.

At Lila_bunt, we take a clear stance against sexism, racism, homo/transphobia, Gadjé racism, anti-Muslim racism, antisemitism, classism, ableism, bodyism, and other forms of discrimination.

Living and working in an intersectional way means moving forward and evolving constantly. We walk this path together, open to the questions that might arise and learning from and with each other.

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Please note: The English version is not a one-to-one translation of the German website, but an overview of the most important information. To go back to the main English page or to the German version, click here or use the upper menu.