Frequently Asked Questions

Please note: The English version is not a one-to-one translation of the German website, but an overview of the most important information. To go back to the main English page or to the German version, click here or use the upper menu.

Questions about my Experience on-site

How do I get to lila_bunt using public transport?

There are two bus stops nearby:

The Lövenich Kirche stop is just a quick 3-minute walk from our lovely green entrance. You can reach it from either Bahnhof Düren station or Bahnhof Euskirchen station. Simply take the RB28 train to Bahnhof Zülpich station, then transfer to bus number 774 (a minibus with 24 seats), which will drop you off directly at the "Lövenich Kirche" stop.

The Lövenicher Weg stop is about a 15-minute walk from us. You can also catch a bus there straight from Euskirchen and Düren train stations. Line 298 runs once an hour from both stations to Lövenicher Weg.

Keep in mind that on Sundays, both bus lines don't run as frequently, only once every two hours! You can check the latest timetables at https://www.rvk.de/fahrplaene-....

Can I simply stop by lila_bunt for a quick look around?

No. We kindly ask that you contact us beforehand to schedule an appointment. We are thrilled to welcome interested visitors, but it is important to give us a heads-up for a couple of reasons: Firstly, there might not be anyone available when you arrive, and we wouldn't want you to find the door closed. Secondly, there could be a group already on-site, and we aim to provide them with a safe and undisturbed experience. So, please send us an email, and we will gladly find a suitable time for your visit. Thank you for your help!

Do we need to bring our own bed linen and towels?

Yes, currently, due to reduced capacity, we kindly ask you bring your own bed linen (including a fitted sheet of 100 cm, pillowcase, and comforter cover) as well as towels. If bringing your own is not feasible, we do have some available on-site for borrowing. Thank you!

Do you provide vegan and vegetarian meals?

Yes, all the food at lila_bunt is either vegetarian or vegan. If you require vegan options only, please specify this in the registration form. For group bookings, we kindly ask that you inform us of the number of individuals needing vegan meals at least 3 weeks before your arrival. This allows our team to prepare and serve delicious meals for everyone!

Do you accommodate allergies and intolerances?

While our team strives to accommodate all dietary intolerances, we cannot guarantee the complete absence of allergens. To ensure that our team can prepare accordingly, please provide this information on the seminar registration form. For group bookings, we request that you notify us promptly, at least 3 weeks before your scheduled arrival.

Do I need to bring my own food?

No, at lila_bunt, we provide full board. If you have special dietary requirements or need something in particular , we have reserved a limited space in the fridge for your use. Please let us know either on-site or in advance.

Do I need to assist with cleaning up?

Yes, please. The lila_bunt team handles the essential reproductive work (including cooking, cleaning, washing up, being available for questions, etc.) in the house. We strive to highlight the importance of care work because it holds political significance for us. Every evening, we invite 2-3 people to help with washing up alongside the team. On the day of your departure, we kindly ask you to clear any garbage from your room and tidy up the seminar room. Additionally, please ensure you take back all your belongings with you as we will not be forwarding any remaining items. Thank you for your help!

Do you offer drinks and snacks for purchase on-site?

Yes, we have a variety of cold drinks and tasty snacks available for groups on-site. These will be recorded on a tally sheet and can be settled at the end of your stay. If you have any special requests, feel free to let us know in advance, and we will do our best to accommodate them!

Am I allowed to have a campfire in the evening?

Absolutely! Having a campfire in the garden is one of the highlights here at lila_bunt. We provide wood for €10.00 per wheelbarrow.

Do you happen to have a sauna on site?

Yes, indeed! We have our own sauna with an outdoor shower located in the garden. We can turn it on for groups of 5 or more, and it's priced at €5.00 per person. While you are welcome to share the sauna, you can also take turns and enjoy it privately. Please speak to our team on-site for further details.

Do you have bikes to borrow?

Yes, you can borrow our bikes free of charge! Please ask on site how this works.

Are dogs permitted?

Typically, we prefer if guests do not bring their dogs, considering the diverse range of visitors who may have allergies or fears. However, in exceptional circumstances, such as for service or assistance dogs, we do allow dogs under certain conditions:

  • All other participants must agree.

  • Dogs must be leashed around individuals who may be uneasy around them.

  • Dogs are restricted from entering the buildings except for the office building, where a designated dog-friendly room is available. They are not permitted on beds.

  • Owners are responsible for their dogs and must clean up after them, including any “messes” in the garden.

  • Our garden property is not entirely enclosed, meaning there is a chance free-roaming dogs might escape through fence gaps to neighboring areas. Therefore, dogs must remain leashed if there is a risk of them escaping.

  • Remember to bring your dog's own bed, toys, bowls and blankets.

We offer a single dog-friendly room in the office building, separate from other guest accommodations.

For arrangements involving dogs, please contact us to discuss the details.

Is lila_bunt accessible for everyone?

Unfortunately, lila_bunt is not entirely accessible to everyone. There are both visible barriers and some that might not be obvious at first glance.

  • We do have a wheelchair-friendly single room with a private bathroom and a nursing care bed on the first floor, suitable for wheelchairs up to 80cm wide. The inner courtyard, dining area, and seminar rooms are also accessible with a wheelchair. However, the other rooms and the library are on the upper floor, which requires using stairs. Plus, the garden paths are not paved, which might make it difficult for wheelchair users.

  • We offer a meditation room in the garden, providing a peaceful retreat where you can relax alone or with support if needed.

  • If you have sensory issues, let us know in advance, and we'll do our best to accommodate you. We also have small fidgets available at the office if you need them.

We understand that our current setup might not meet everyone’s needs. We’re committed to improving accessibility in the future. If you have any feedback or suggestions, we’d love to hear them.

Where can I park my car?

You can park your car on the street in front of the house briefly to load and unload. For longer stays, please park in the free parking lot opposite the church, located 100 meters straight ahead from the house at Prälat-Franken Straße 42.

What should I bring to lila_bunt?

Please remember to pack all your personal items for your stay. You will also need towels, a comforter cover (for the blanket and pillow), and a fitted sheet (100cm). Don't forget your indoor slippers for comfortable indoor wear. If you'd like, you can also bring along quick-slip sandals for outdoor use in the courtyard.

How far are the nearest shopping facilities?

Zülpich-Lövenich is a very small district with no shopping facilities. The nearest shops are approximately 5 minutes away by car or 15 minutes by bike.

Can I cook my own food?

No, at lila_bunt, we provide full catering services. There is always plenty of food available, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as fruit, muesli, and snacks throughout the day. As our kitchen is managed by our own staff, visitors are not allowed to cook there.

Does lila_bunt have an awareness concept?

Yes, ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and safe on-site is a priority for us. To learn more about our awareness concept and what it entails, please click here.

Who can I speak to on-site if I have a question?

There is always at least one lila_bunt staff member present. They will introduce themselves at the welcome meeting upon your arrival and explain how to reach them and when they are available. Feel free to approach them with any questions or emergencies that may arise.

Questions About Workshops and Education Leaves

How do I sign up?

To sign up for one of our seminars, simply fill out our online registration form located at the bottom of each seminar's description. We'll need some important information from you to ensure you have a great time at lila_bunt, including your preferred room choice and any dietary intolerances. Feel free to use the “Other” field for any additional questions or comments. If you encounter any issues with the online form, don't hesitate to give us a call.

Do you offer discounted rates?

Yes, we offer reduced prices through our solidarity rates because we believe in making our seminars accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. If you need a discount, just let us know in the "Other" section of the registration form.

Please understand that while we do our best to provide discounted options, our ability to do so depends on our revenue. So, we kindly ask that you request a discount only if you truly need it.

Moreover, we encourage those who can afford it to contribute more than the standard seminar fee to support others in accessing our seminars. You can make a contribution here.

When do I need to pay? What payment methods are accepted?

You can settle your seminar fee AFTER the seminar. Since we frequently experience last-minute cancellations, processing payments in advance can be quite time-consuming. You'll receive an invoice either during the seminar or via email afterward. After receiving the invoice, you'll have 14 days to transfer the amount to our bank account.

What is your cancellation policy?

Our cancellation policy aligns with our current general terms and conditions. For seminar participants, cancellations can be made free of charge up to 8 weeks (56 days) before the arrival date. For cancellations made later, the following fees apply:

  • 50% of the costs between 8 and 4 weeks (55 - 28 days) before arrival.

  • 65% of the costs between 4 and 2 weeks (27 - 14 days) before the arrival date.

  • 80% of the costs between 13 days and 4 days before the arrival date.

  • 100% compensation for cancellations less than 3 days before arrival.

As we incur costs for every seminar held at lila_bunt, we appreciate your understanding that cancellation fees are necessary for us to continue offering seminars and maintaining the venue.

If you are unable to attend a seminar, we kindly ask that you cancel as early as possible.

Do you arrange carpooling?

Yes, for each seminar, we provide an online pad for self-organized carpooling. Here, participants can register if they are offering a ride or looking for one. You will receive the link to the pad upon completing your registration.

Can I extend my stay before or after the seminar?

Typically, extending your stay is not possible. Our meal schedules and catering are specifically tailored to seminar times. However, we strive to schedule seminars with start and end times that accommodate same-day arrivals and departures.

In exceptional cases, extending your stay may be possible. Please indicate your request in the registration form, and we will do our best to make individual arrangements.

I registered but haven't received confirmation yet. What should I do?

Thanks for signing up! We strive to process registrations as quickly as possible. Confirmation emails are usually sent out within a few days, but during busy times it might take a bit longer. Don't forget to check your spam folder, just in case. If you haven't heard from us after about 10 days, please give us a call.

I'm on the waiting list. What happens next?

The seminar you're interested in is unfortunately fully booked. If a person cancels, the first person on the waiting list will be offered a place. Please respond promptly to this offer. Sometimes people cancel at very short notice. It is up to you how long you leave the period free and hope to be able to move up. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that you will secure a spot.

How can I take educational leave (Bildungsurlaub)?

If you are employed in NRW, Baden-Württemberg, or Saarland, you can attend our courses that are advertised as educational leave (Bildungsurlaub). We will provide you directly with a certificate and schedule to submit to your employer. We are currently working on obtaining these certificates for employees in Hessen.

If you are employed in another federal state, we recommend asking your employer if they will grant you educational leave without an official certificate from the federal state. This decision is at the discretion of individual employers. We are happy to provide confirmation that the course is recognized in at least 3 other federal states. If this is not sufficient, educational leave must be applied for in your federal state through our cooperation partner, the Willi-Eichler-Akademie, at least 3 months before the start of the event. Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can initiate this process.

You can read more about education leaves here

Can I still apply for educational leave (Bildungsurlaub) if it's not announced for my federal state (Bundesland)?

Yes, you can. However, we recommend checking with your employer first to see if they would grant you educational leave (Bildungsurlaub) without an official certificate from the federal state (Bundesland), as this decision varies by employer. We are happy to provide confirmation that the course is recognized in at least 3 other federal states. If this is not sufficient, you will need to apply for educational leave in your federal state through our partner, the Willi Eichler Academy, at least 3 months before the course begins. Please inform us as soon as possible so we can assist with this process.

What's included in the seminar price?

The seminar price covers full accommodation and vegan/vegetarian full board for the entire duration of your stay. You will have access to hot drinks and tap water at all times. Additionally, the catering, accommodation and travel costs for the trainer(s) stay, as well as their fee, are included on a pro-rata basis. However, snacks, soft drinks, and access to the sauna, or firewood are not included.

I am registered for a seminar, where can I get more information about the time on site?

Once we review your booking, you will receive a confirmation email. Without this confirmation, your place in the seminar is not yet secured. Approximately 2-3 weeks before the seminar begins, you will receive a second informational email detailing everything you need to know about your arrival and stay. Additionally, the trainer(s) may provide information on any extra items you need to bring for the seminar.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the entire seminar. Can I still register?

While we strongly encourage full participation for the best group dynamic, we understand that scheduling conflicts can arise. We're open to discussing individual circumstances with the trainer(s). However, please be aware that partial attendance may not be possible for all seminars. If you anticipate being delayed, such as due to a train connection, please inform us of your late arrival.

My seminar costs much more/less than other seminars, why?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the same prices for all seminars. There are various reasons for this:

  • The number of trainers affects the difference in fee costs.

  • Some seminars are externally funded and we can therefore offer them at a lower price.

  • For some target groups, it is necessary to keep the participation fee as low as possible due to structural discrimination. We kindly ask you to respect this.

Questions about Group Bookings

What are the arrival and departure times for groups?

Groups typically arrive around 17:00, with dinner served approximately at 19:00. Breakfast and lunch are planned for the day of departure, so that the arrival and departure days add up to a full day in terms of catering. Departure is no later than 15:00.

Can we reserve an extra lunch?

Depending on our schedule, we might be able to arrange an additional lunch on your arrival day. Feel free to ask us about this option.

Is there a self-catering kitchen available? Can I prepare my own meals?

No, at lila_bunt, we provide full catering services. We ensure there is always plenty of food for everyone, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Additionally, fruit, muesli, and snacks are available throughout the day. Our kitchen is reserved for our kitchen staff only, so external individuals are not permitted to cook there.

Can day guests join us?

Yes, day guests are welcome to join us. They pay a flat rate of €50, which includes meals and access to the seminar room and grounds.

Do you offer solidarity discounts for groups?

In some cases, we do offer solidarity prices for groups. We are aware that our prices may not be affordable for everyone, and we consider factors such as multiple discrimination and the financial resources of participants when determining pricing.

What is your cancellation policy?

Reservations can be canceled free of charge up to 8 weeks (56 days) before the arrival date. For cancellations made later, the following fees apply:

  • 50% of the costs between 8 and 4 weeks (55 - 28 days) before arrival.

  • 65% of the costs between 4 and 2 weeks (27 - 14 days) before arrival.

  • 80% of the costs between 2 and 1 week (13 - 8 days) before arrival.

  • 100% compensation for cancellations less than 7 days before arrival.

How can we pay?

For groups, we prefer payment via collective invoice after your stay. Cash payments on-site are also accepted. However, please note that we do not accept card payments. Additionally, please bring cash for purchasing drinks and snacks on-site.

Is it possible for us to receive individual invoices as a group?

Yes, individual invoices for groups are possible upon request. Please inform us at least 2 weeks before your arrival if you require this service.

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Please note: The English version is not a one-to-one translation of the German website, but an overview of the most important information. To go back to the main English page or to the German version, click here or use the upper menu.