Target Groups

Our main target group(s) include(s) individuals who face discrimination because of how their gender identity is perceived within patriarchal systems. We also aim to provide the safest possible environment for those facing transphobia and/or racism.

Please note: The English version is not a one-to-one translation of the German website, but an overview of the most important information. To go back to the main English page or to the German version, click here or use the upper menu.


FLINTA* is a German acronym that stands for “Frauen, Lesben, inter*, nicht-binäre, trans* und agender Personen” meaning “women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people”. This umbrella term is intended to include all people who experience patriarchal discrimination because of their gender identity.

FLINTA* spaces aim to provide a less discriminatory environment for this group and exclude cis-endosex men.

We are aware that FLINTA* spaces are often not inclusive. Sometimes trans and intersex people are excluded from such spaces and many therefore feel uninvited by the term. We strive for lila_bunt to be a transinclusive space and the people that make up our project are not exclusively cis.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.


All-gender means everyone is welcome, regardless of their gender. This also includes cisgender, endosex men.

While our main focus is on FLINTA* (women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people), we think everyone should address queer_feminist issues. We encourage those who benefit from patriarchal and heteronormative structures to reflect upon their privileges and contribute to a fairer world by taking a queer_feminist stance.

That is why some events at lila_bunt are open to cisgender, endosex men. We also welcome self-organized groups that include cisgender, endosex men when they book the entire venue. The prerequisite is that these groups align with our house’s philosophy and support our feminist worldview and praxis.


BIPoC stands for black, indigenous, and people of color. It is a term used by individuals who experience racism or are racialized. Experiences of racism can vary widely.

BIPoC spaces aim to provide a less discriminatory environment for this group and exclude white individuals.


TINAQ is an acronym for trans, intersex, non-binary, agender people, as well as for those questioning their gender identity. This umbrella term includes all people who experience discrimination based on their gender identity because they do not conform to the social cis-endosex norm.

TINAQ individuals are often assigned a gender at birth that they do not identify with. However, as society typically demands clear and so-called “biologically-based” gender assignments, many TINAQ people face discrimination.

TINAQ spaces aim to provide a less discriminatory environment for this group and exclude cis-endosex individuals.

cisgender and endosex

“Cis” or “cisgender” people are those who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. As the gender assignment is typically binary, individuals may be either a cis woman or a cis man.

“Endosex” refers to individuals who are not intersex. In other words, individuals whose bodies can be clearly classified as exclusively female or exclusively male according to medical standards.

An individual can be cis and endosex, or endosex and trans, or intersex and cis, or intersex and trans.


Queer is a self-designation and an umbrella term for individuals who do not conform or do not want to conform to certain social norms, particularly regarding sexuality, gender, or romantic aspects, among others. Originally used as an insult in English, many individuals who fall under this category have since reclaimed the term and given it a positive connotation.

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Please note: The English version is not a one-to-one translation of the German website, but an overview of the most important information. To go back to the main English page or to the German version, click here or use the upper menu.